Sunday, November 29, 2009

Monos de calenda

It isn't a party unless there are monos de calenda or giant puppets made on a bamboo frame with heads and upper bodies of paper mache. Every parade has at least two, maybe three or four or more depending on the budget. Many weddings have bride and groom monos, as this one did in the photo. The monos are dressed for the occasion and are worn on the shoulders of young men (can you see the feet?). There is a look-out hole usually at the "waist" of the mono so the guy underneath can see. As the brass band plays the monos twist and turn to the beat of the music and the arms of the mono twirl to the beat of the brass band that accompanies the parade so the monos look like they are alive. Some monos are personalized in face features and dress to look like the guest of honor. A mono weighs about 18 pounds and can be rented, or sold for $1000 - $1500 pesos.

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