Tuesday, December 8, 2009


For some reason I have had trouble getting breakfast before school lately. So this morning I made an effort to leave the apartment early with enough time to buy the papers, eat and get to school without breaking into a sweat. Well that plan was short-lived because just a few blocks down from the apartment was The Flower Lady sitting on the sidewalk arranging bunches onto the straw mat that would be rolled up and slung over her back. Then she walks through the area looking for buyers. A couple weeks ago she came into the coffee shop and I asked her how much for a bunch. Thirty pesos. I would take two bunches. She could not calculate the price for two so a clerk told her sixty pesos. I knew that at times she had roses so I was waiting for our paths to cross again. Breakfast could wait for another day. I picked out red and pink roses and returned to the apartment to trim and arrange the roses in a vase. The photo is taken on my patio.

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