Sunday, January 23, 2011


I went to wedding Saturday night at Santo Domingo church which is the most elaborate church in Oaxaca. I saw the decorated car parked on the street and thought, photo opportunity! Custom is that at the end of Mass, the couple poses at the altar and everybody takes turns getting their picture taken with them. Someone from the wedding walked up to me and said, go on up to the front, take pictures. I said, really???

The groom was looking at me like, who is this?

The little attendants were having a fun time keeping the bride's train straight. At one point the little guy was underneath. Those are white flower petals thatare thrown at the couple as they leave the church. It looked like snow.

It is custom to decorate the car with bouquets of flowers. This car is so small that I wondered how the bride got her gown inside.

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