Sunday, February 13, 2011

Santa Ana Zegache

Today I visited the 17th century church of Santo Ana Zegache about 30 minutes south of the city of Oaxaca. It is called a painted church for the beautiful facade between massive yellow towers. This architecture is designed to resist earthquakes.

The church is being restored through a foundation of Oaxacan painter Rodolfo Morales. Through the restoration work the church was restored, the area was revitalized and the local people learned trades.

The walkway up to the church is lined with flowers. Here are photos of the exterior with close-ups for details.


  1. So pretty! I love the stylized greenery that looks like a fern, or is it Christmas cactus? Is it made of plaster?

  2. It looks like a christmas cactus, doesn't it? It appears like plaster but would that last? Ask Lois.
