Friday, January 21, 2011


The fruit in Mexico is so delicious that I have to eat some everyday. It is more flavorful, more colorful, more intense, more juicy. There are stands all over the city of Oaxaca, in doorways, on the sidewalks, selling fruit and vegetables cut in pieces or juice. This is the stand that I frequent most often as it is on the route between my apartment and school. La Señora prepares and sells the fruit and vegetables, along with her daughters, five days a week, from 10:00 until 3:00.
She offers cantalope, watermelon, mango, papaya, strawberries, apples, jicama and cucumber.

You can have your fruit natural, with chile and lime, or with honey and granola, or yogurt. Today I had melón con chile y limón.

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