Thursday, January 20, 2011


Painting messages on walls is common in Mexico. Some are tagging but most are political messages, some are stenciled, some are originals. The first image shows that Communism is alive and well in Oaxaca. The next image has a message about a national strike against imperialists.

This house that is under construction has La Virgen de Guadalupe painted next to the front door. I have seen this same image in different colors on other houses. I think the rose and green are particularly pretty here.

See? They invented more than the wheel.

This isn't painted but was drawn on the wall next to a front door by using a sharp instrument when the cement was wet. I stopped to look at it wondering if a musician lived here, and was taking a photo when the door opened and la señora stepped out. We surprised each other then starting talking. She explained that her deceased husband was a musician and this was a song he loved. She sang the song for me. I told her I loved the houses in the neighborhood because each one was unique and charming. She said, are you in a hurry? You can come in and I will show you my house. The house was filled with counted cross stitch, including a family tree showing her 11 children. She has 10 birds in cages on the exterior patio, 6 canaries and 4 parakeets. When I left she said, mi casa es tu casa, so I guess they really say that.

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