Sunday, December 6, 2009


Fruit in Mexico is so enticing and alluring that I can not resist eating it in vast quantities. Eating fruit here is such a different experience that it is difficult to believe they are the same fruits as in the United States. I love some fruits in Mexico and do not care for them at all in the United States. Mexican fruits are brilliant, the flavors intense. Fruits in the United States are big, beautiful and without flavor. Papayas in Mexico have no equal in the United States. I have had papaya juice, or papaya cut in pieces and sprinkled with limon (key lime) and chile (chile powder). In the markets there are great expanses of platanos (bananas)--red, purple, dominicans, green and many yellow kinds. They have hardly a blemish on them as they have just come from someone's trees. As you can see in the photo, a bunch can have 15 or more bananas and heaven help you if you ask for less. It would be easier to get world peace. Although when you are paying $1 for that many, just go with the flow. Fruit is offered cut up and para llevar (to-go) or freshly squeezed in almost every block. My favorite puesto (movable stand) offers juices and fruits that you can top with granola, yogurt, honey and amaranth, as well as limon and chile. Today in the mercado (market) I bought guayabas (guavas) and duraznos (peaches). Peaches here are very small and look like an apricot. They can be so small that you could put them in a dixie cup and roll them around. And don't get me started on orange juice that is so common that garbage smells like oranges. You'll have to trust me on this until they come up with blog-a-smell..

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