Wednesday, December 9, 2009

La Virgen de Juquila

December 8 is the day to celebrate the Virgen de Juquila. Pilgrimages to the small pueblo of Juquila located on the southern coast of Oaxaca where the small statue of the Virgencita, as she is affectionately called, is located, are made on foot or on bicycle, but also by car, truck or bus. From Oaxaca by foot is six days on a road through mountains which is water-covered and non-existent in some spots. Thousands of people of all ages go: babies, disabled, seniors, teenagers. The season to visit the Virgen is from November 28. Once there, there are mariachi bands, food and of course, souvenirs. Here in Oaxaca, the cojetes (fireworks) started at 4:30 a.m. and continued throughout the day. In the evening there was a parade starting in the Zocalo with a brass band, a painting of the Virgencita as well as a statue (actual size) and a very large arrangement of red roses.

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