Sunday, March 13, 2011

Delicious Treats from the Mercado

The mercados of Mexico have the most delicious food in my opinion. It is the food of the people of Mexico. Eating in the markets or from the food carts on the sidewalks, is el sabor of Mexico.

There is jugo verde, a blend of spinach, celery, parsley or cilantro, orange juice and pineapple. You can drink it from a large fluted glass at the stall, or take it to-go in a baggie tied around a straw.

Warm rice pudding topped with caramelized garbanzo beans is an unforgettable taste memory. This stand sells the arroz con leche on its own, as well as the garbanzos on their own, or combined. The glass on the far left is lechesilla, vanilla pudding. This clever vendor keeps the desserts warm by placing the tray over a ceramic bowl filled with hot water.


  1. The baggie of juego verde looks very strange. Did you like it? Sounds like another one of those drinks that make you feel like you're drinking something healthy. I'm very curious to hear about the caramelized garbanzos. Reminds me of Hawaiian shave ice with red beans.

  2. Both of these are delicious!!! The green juice tastes more of the orange juice than anything else. I feel very healthy when I drink it. I am going back next Sunday for the garbanzos. They are very good.
